A License gives complete access to our HIPAA Complete Compliance Suite and provides coverage to the all the Users under that License. A separate License is needed for each sole proprietor or legal entity.
Each business entity to be covered needs a separate HIPAA Complete Compliance Suite License. A business entity can be a Company, Organization, Partnership or Sole Proprietorship (if not incorporated). A License can apply to multiple locations if you have more than one office. Each License comes with access for ten (10) Users. Additional User access is sold in Packages of ten (10).
A User is any person working for or with the business covered by the License. This includes business owners, managers, independent contractors and employees. Users are counted for each License regardless of overlap – e.g., an office manager working under two separately Licensed businesses at one location would count as a User under each of those Licenses.
Additional User access is sold in Packages of ten (10).
Example 1 – A solo practitioner physician with one office manager who maintains two office locations used part of the week and has other 6 employees (2 full-time and 4 part-time) would need one (1) License (10 users included). There would be eight (8) Users in this example – the doctor (who is the Licensee - sole proprietor/covered entity), the manager and the 6 employees.
Example 2 – If the solo practitioner physician from “Example 1” adds a Nurse Practitioner, who works only in one of the office locations, and 3 more employees, then this business would need one (1) License (10 users included) AND an additional 10 Users Package.
There would be twelve (12) Users in this example – the doctor (who is the Licensee - sole proprietor/covered entity), the manager, the Nurse Practitioner and the 9 employees.
If you initially misjudge how many Licenses or Users you need we can adjust this for you and refund or add any charges necessary.
If you are not sure how many Accounts or Licenses you need or have any questions about how to order and get started please call us and we will guide you through the process.
If your business requires more than 5 Licenses or more than 50 Users contact us for Enterprise Pricing.